Yesterday night have a short date with them.
although just one hours.
but it worth. 

Fall in love with this drink.
Seriously Orange. 

one shot.
everybody looking on the phone.
and this call GATHERING. LOL 

we talk about boys.
we talk about girls.
we talk about future.
and yet do a lots of stupid things together.
hmm.. this is the way we mix in.
Actually today we plan to go try out Full House.
but end up too expensive and we ran out.

and finally.
the cafe which I wanna go one months ago
it's open dyyy.
YEAH !!! 

Big Breakfast.
Old School Waffle.
It's Library @ Sunway Pyramid.
enjoy the environment there with the girl.

It's almost finish my foundation course.
and start to plan what to study for.
Have a talk with my dad.
He wanna me take accountant courses.
but I'm really don't like those courses
which keep on study and study.
so maybe I will still stick on my selection.

That it is for today.
Enjoy reading.
