Enjoy my last day of February.
after 7 years of lost contact.
finally met them !
* although just a part of them *

but better then nothing.
thanks Kyewen for inviting us to you house
and provide us a space to gather together.
Have a small date with my girl.
- Caffe Bene Gamuda Walk -
* ps : I love my hair colour very much !

Sometimes I really don't understand
how a person can be such a stubborn.
took one hour plus to talk with
but end up like talking bullshit. 

Totally wasting my time and spoiled my mood. -_-
I treat you as my friend
but I do not need to bear all your unpleasant and unfortunate
you need those friends who can accompany you always.

keep repeating the same thing again and again.
Isn't you feel tired?? 

You said you don't know what and why we quarrel with.
why don't you think who start it first?
all those outsiders feel like we are the one who always treat you bad
You always feel like you are the right one and others are wrong.
At the end I just can said
I already try hard to talk to you.
no one can stop you from your choice.
You said you doesn't want anyone feel pity on you.
but what you do were keep posting those sad status
hope someone understand you.
what do you want to get from this?
Pityful? Other's attention?
I really don't know what can I say to you. 

This is the last time and the only time
I could said.
I won't bother you and said anything about you from now on.