almost half month?
I think so.
I'm here to say

I'm finish my final exam.
and now it's my holiday time.
seem so excited for hoiliday.
Actually today I will go out with my college's mate.
but I end up staying at home.

first time I ffk them.
* ps : I'm not deliberately wanna ffk de *
let me write a short summary on my semester one.
I'm so glad that I met them in college.
they really made a lots of fun in class.
thanks to my english lecturer - Ms Helen.
she really a good lecturer. 

this bunch of people made my semester one not too bored.
* ps : still got a lot people not in this photo *
This is a intensive semester.
I thought I won't keep up those courses.
It really a tired and short semester.
just 2 months of time to get along with them
still got some of them I even no chance to talk to.
I really hope that I can still study together with you guys again.

I try a lot new things in these two months.
I try to take bus and walk home alone.
I try to have lunch or break alone.
I try to hanging out alone in Sunway Pyramid.
these experience are unforgettable.

I just wrote till here.
thanks for your patient to read this. 
