long time didn't blog dyy.
Actually I'm not that busy but just lazy to blog.
half year had gone.
my semester break gonna end soon. 

I'm gonna back to the busy lifestyle
let me write something about my semester break bahh.
I almost everyday stay at home
didn't even went out with friends.
and my dad also feel very weird
like my kind of characteristic shouldn't everyday stay at home
and watch drama or surf internet.
ahaha. what a cute daddy I have. 

whole family went to Johor to attend my cousin's wedding.
hope she have a beautiful newlywed's life.

my sister and I. 

my handsome cousin.
don't forget what you had promise me yea.

today final result release.
and yea. I forget my password. 

* clap hand *
luckily the monash stuff help me reset my password.
if not, I''m dying.
this is my result.
not too good and not too bad.
I'm quite satisfied with my result.

first time try this.
enrolled our subject online.
ahaha. actually quite hard to do it.
finally get it.
but I still can't drive alone.

above is what I have done in this semester break.
and I started look forward to the next semester
hope it will be fun and nice.
